Blood Drive Success

September 21, 2018

A letter to Waldinger from LifeServe Blood Center

To Waldinger Des Moines – Thank you so much for all your help! The numbers turned out better than what we were anticipating! Thank you so much for getting people informed and ready for the blood drive! This was actually our third best daily blood drive in central Iowa and fifth best blood drive in the entire state of Iowa! So I hope that can illustrate to how fantastic this blood drive actually turned out to be!!!

Based on the report I received from our donor services team, it sounded like things went smoothly at the drive itself.  Here are the official results of the blood drive:

37 people on the schedule going into Wednesday!!!
33 registered to donate!
29 were able to donate!
13 first-time donors!!!
31 units of blood collected!!!
Up to 93 lives saved or sustained!!!!


Thank you again for your help! -LifeServe Blood Center